Third World Missions: Opportunities and Challenges - Barry Mosier

Third World Missions

Opportunities and Challenges

by Barry Mosier

This seminar will compare various opportunities for short and long-term mission service through the church and supporting ministries. Some ministries suggest that almost every member is called to sell what they have and go overseas. Is this balanced, or are most of us called to serve here in America? Are more missionaries really needed overseas? For those who might feel a calling, are there obligations or limitations that might reduce a person’s chances for successful overseas mission service? Should people go in faith alone or make careful financial plans? Barry Mosier will discuss these topics in view of his 11 years of experience in a supporting ministry in Africa.

Barry Mosier is a CPA by profession and a graduate of Union College. He is married to Marybeth and has five children. He and his family recently returned from Africa after 11 years of volunteer service in Tanzania and the Congo. His family was the first caucasian family to move to the upper Congo River area since the war which killed 5.5 million people. He and his family survived a deadly airplane crash which killed 47 people on their first trip to Congo in 2008. Together with his son Keith, they have also pioneered work among the Pygmy tribe in Congo.

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Available Titles
1 - Are Foreign Missionaries Still Needed - Barry Mosier.mp3
2 - Gods Call for You - Barry Mosier.mp3
3 - Missionary Spouses and Children - Barry Mosier.mp3
4 - Review of Foreign Mission Opportunities - Barry Mosier.mp3
5 - Practical Advice for Foreign Missionaries - Barry Mosier.mp3
6 - Mosier Mission Experience - Barry Mosier.mp3