The Coming of Immanuel - Gary Venden

The Coming of Immanuel

by Gary Venden

Isaiah lived in a time when his government and society were pushing God and His Word (the Torah) out of public and private life. The king refused to engage God and insisted on taking the nation away from the ways of God. God calls Isaiah to walk a different walk, talk a different talk, to make God his all and everything, and to live out the Torah as a testimony in the presence of an anti-God society. How is the world going to see that God’s ways are good and true and LIFE, unless someone is living out those ways for all to see? That is the role of Isaiah. That was supposed to be the role of Israel. That is the role God intends for us today!

Gary Venden has been in ministry 40+ years, and presently pastors the Glendale church in Phoenix, AZ, where he and his wife Marilynn have served since 1997.  Gary carries a special passion for the message of “Righteousness by Faith” which he learned from his cousin and mentor, Morris Venden. Daily seeking a deeper personal friendship with Jesus has been the anchor point of his life and ministry.

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Available Titles
1 - I Saw the Lord.mp3
2 - Taking a Stand.mp3
3 - Heres Your Sign.mp3
4 - The God of Ahaz.mp3
5 - Plunder and Immanuel.mp3
6 - Torah and Testimony.mp3
7 - Dawn of Immanuel.mp3
8 - Mountain of the Lord.mp3
9 - Suffering of Immanuel.mp3