Community Conversations seeks opportunities to open a dialogue with the unchurched about how faith intersects life in relevant ways that make sense. Using internet technology, we engage people on their own turf, share ideas, discuss issues, and hopefully learn from each other and grow towards deeper faith. Let’s talk. Titles - "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers"
- Do Christians owe the world an apology for failure to live like Christ?
- "The Matrix Behind the Matrix"
- Discover the "secret" war going on right now that not even congress knows about.
- "Is God an Underachiever?"
- Does God deserve an "F" for His handling of evil and suffering?
- "Whatever Happened to Sin?"
- The reason we need a Savior.
- Hell? Yes!
- Friendly Fire
- Who's really attacking the 10 Commandments?
- 2012: Know the Truth
- Why the world won't end on 12-21-12 ... and how to be ready when it does.
| RANDY MAXWELL is the pastor of the Kuna SDA Church in Kuna, Idaho. Prior to this he served as the Creative Director for advertising at Pacific Press Publishing Association in Nampa, Idaho. Randy is an author, speaker, and the founder of IF MY PEOPLE PRAY MINISTRIES, through which he conducts prayer and revival seminars across North America and internationally. Randy’s six books include If My People Pray, Bring Back the Glory, On Eagles’ Wings, and Let Not Your Heart be Troubled. Other DVD series include No Fear!
Randy and his wife, Suzette, have three children and one son-in-law. They’ve lived in Nampa, Idaho since leaving Southern California in 1987. |