Is Women's Ordination Biblical? - Ryan McCoy

Is Women's Ordination Biblical?

A Study on the Role of Women in the Home and the Church

by Ryan McCoy

The subject of women's ordination is a hot topic right now in the Seventh-day Adventist church, especially in light of recent actions by several unions to proceed with ordaining women regardless of world church polity. It seems that everywhere we turn these days church members are discussing, debating and even arguing this issue. The issue has become so contentious in some areas that churches are about to split!


The issues at stake with this may be more important than many church members realize as there are consequences to every decision and action in the Great Controversy.


There are many questions to be answered not only about issues and consequences, but what are the Biblical ramifications? Is this simply a "cultural" issue as many claim? Or is it much more? These questions must be clearly answered before one can know where to stand. Knowing where to stand in the last days on issues can be critical to our salvation.


This 5 hour series is packed with clear, insightful information that reveals the roots of this issue, traces them through history and discovers how they may affect our church in the light of final events!

RYAN McCOY is a Seventh-day Adventist lay evangelist as well as an author, speaker, director, producer and founder of Sealing Time Ministries.  Ryan is passionate about finding Jesus throughout the wonderful details of Earth's last day events and has a gift for sharing these in a way that anyone can understand but also with a depth that even the most studied can appreciate.  Ryan has authored (or is currently authoring) over 22 books and video series on the subject of final events with topics including, the Spirit of Prophecy, Signs of Christ's Return, the Seal of God, Mark of the Beast, the Sealing Time, the 144,000, Sunday Laws, Disasters and National Ruin, Country Living, the Shaking, the Latter Rain, Persecution, Satan's Appearance as Christ, the Seven Last Plagues, the Close of Probation, Second Coming, Heaven and the Millennium, the Lake of Fire, and the New Earth.  He also has a number of other presentations on the topics of efficiency and alternative energy, a personal testimony, vinegar (health), theater and drama and a special inspirational talk on David Crockett and the Alamo, the Sabbath, and Adventist History (Standing firm for what you believe in the last days.).  Ryan has also been a featured speaker at a number of churches and camp meetings.

Ryan also has the distinction of being the fifth great-grandson of Congressman David “Davy” Stern Crockett.  David Crockett died defending the Alamo in 1836 in what later became the State of Texas.  Because of his family history, Ryan uniquely understands what it means to draw a line in the sand and take a decided stand for what is right, no matter what the cost.  Ryan has been a featured special guest at the Alamo for official ceremonies.  He was also an honored guest at the 180th Anniversary of the Battle of the Alamo.  Ryan has also been featured on 3ABN, Adventist WorldAdventist World, Adventist ReviewAdventist Review, Adventist News Network (ANN) and many more.  He has also been interviewed by Smithsonian Magazine and had photos taken by the History Channel.

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  • Ordination-05
  • Ordination-03
  • Ordination-06
  • Ordination-02
  • Ordination-01
  • Ordination-07
  • Ordination-04

Study Resources

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  • Download the PDF Book, or read the Online Book
  • Download the "Is Women's Ordination Biblical?" PowerPoint presentation.
  • $1,000 Reward for proof of Ellen G. White's Ordination event.
  • Ellen G. White Ordination Credentials (1883, 1885, 1887, 1909 Biographical Information proving not ordained or remarried by her own hand)
  • FREE study resources data CD loaded with information!  (Contains multiple books, excerpts, sermons, studies, high resolution White Estate photos and more! (You can also purchase this CD at our online store.)(all shared/produced by permission)
  • Tip of an Iceberg (on CD above) - C. Raymond Holmes, D. Min.
  • Shall Women Minister? (Laurel Damsteegt, shared by permission)
  • Prove All Things (on CD above) - Mercedes H. Dyer, Ph.D., Editor
  • Ellen G. White and Women in Ministry (on CD above) - William Fagal, MDiv, Associate Director, Ellen G. White Estate, Silver Spring, MD
  • 1995 Utrech Presention Manuscript and PowerPoint export - Gerard Damsteegt
  • Shall Women Keep Silence? (A historical collection of Review and Herald articles, on CD above.)
    • Shall the Women Keep Silence in the Churches? - 1860 RH
    • Shall Women Speak in the Church - 1871 RH
    • Women Laboring in Public - 1871 RH
    • May Women Speak in Meeting - 1879 RH
    • May Women Publicly Labor in the Cause of Christ - 1881 RH
  • Adventist Affirm Articles (On CD above.)
    • Adventists Affirm - Fall 1989
    • Adventists Affirm - Spring 1994
    • Adventists Affirm - Fall 1998
    • Adventists Affirm - Fall 2006

Audio Downloads

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Available Titles
1 - Intro, Facts, Points for Womens Ordination, Points for Scriptural Role.mp3
2 - Issues at Stake, One Sided Publications, EGW Ordination, The Curse (pt 1).mp3
3 - The Curse (pt 2), Fruit, Satans Rebellion, The Only Female High Priest.mp3
4 - Why Satan Chooses Women, The Shaking, Attack on the Sanctuary, When Scripture is Silent.mp3
5 - History, Compromise, Worldliness and Standards, Revelations Last Warning, Jesus the Man.mp3
6 - Resources.mp3