Another Look at Ellen White Through the Eyes of a Great Grandson: This class will provide the unique opportunity to share in a “family” perspective on the life and ministry of Ellen G. White. You will hear favorite stories, learn about family relationships, gain insights into the White family, share in some family traditions, and be able to take a fresh look at the personal side of Ellen White. Charles White, who is senior pastor of the Camelback Adventist Church in Phoenix, is a great grandson of James and Ellen White. He has been an Adventist pastor all his professional life. You will enjoy the informal and personal approach he takes as he shares about his great grandmother. This will be intertwined with the Biblical foundation upon which Ellen White’s ministry and mission were built. The topics he will present are as follows: “A Bible-based Gift”; “Testing the Gift. Is it Valid?”; “Relating the Bible to the Writings” (parts I & II); and “Those Amazing Doctrines and how they Developed.” | Great-grandson of James and Ellen White, Pastor Charles White grew up in Mountain View, California. He attended Pacific Union College and received a BA in Theology; then went to Andrews University where he received his Master of Divinity degree. He has pastored churches in Central California, Washington, Oregon, Northern California and Arizona. In July of 2015 he completed serving as the senior pastor of the Camelback Adventist Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Charles and his wife, Dianne, have ministered there for over 15 years. Together they have five children and ten grandchildren.