A deeper look at the life of Elijah and the events surrounding him! Learn more about this exciting man and the life he lived for God. Dive into the Word of God with this inspiring Bible study presentation with Pastor Doug Batchelor. Whether you’re new to Bible study or have lots of experience, you’re sure to receive a special blessing from Pastor Doug’s own personal search for truth throughout the Bible. | Doug Batchelor is the senior pastor of the Granite Bay church and president/speaker for Amazing Facts, an international ministry whose programs are seen by millions around the world. “His Bible Study Hour” and “Amazing Facts Presents” Bible programs can be seen daily on national TV networks and globally by satellite, and he can be heard on more than 125 radio stations and satellite radio. Batchelor is a speaker of vision and deep spirituality, yet his down-to-earth approach and spontaneous humor allow him to communicate with the religious and secular alike. He also has a passion for reaching younger audiences. He hosted the Amazing Adventure series for youth, the Most Important Questions event for teens, and the Ultimate Purpose event for collegiate age. He is the author of numerous articles and books, including The Richest Caveman, Caveman Theology, Broken Chains, and At Jesus’ Feet. He enjoys flying, scuba diving, riding quads, and playing guitar. He and his wife, Karen, have five children.